What I'm joining to ensure 2022 ends better than 2021!


I'm sending this email today because some of these offers will increase their prices soon. If you are like me, you will need some time to think about them before forking over any money.

I have joined each of these, and I thought that you might like to hear about them too. There are three: one free challenge, one new membership, and one guided course. Please note that these are all affiliate links.

1. The guided course...

I've shared Faith's YouTube Channel before. I find Faith to be a really natural teacher, able to break down processes logically and explain them in an easy and intuitive way. I've done quite a few of her courses, the most recent being "Email Marketing Kickstart," which I found to be very useful, although I already have a (very new) email list, as you know (and thank you so much for being here!). The guided program that I've just joined is Faith's Final Quarter Breakthrough 2022...

In this program, Faith takes us through content creation, setting up an email marketing sales funnel (which I haven't done yet - apologies if that is what you expected when you joined ... ), creating a sales funnel (also no idea what I am doing there!). There are also 8 x 2-hour training sessions, the opportunity to contribute a product to a giveaway, learning how to prepare for black friday and other sales, and a private Facebook group for sharing other information and getting feedback from Faith and the others in the program.

I joined because it will be really good to be taken through these systems one step at a time. Reading some of the testimonials (feedback) from last year's students, it seems that if you just do the homework week by week, you do actually achieve what is claimed. I am really busy with a lot of different roles to play in my life, and I know you are too. It will be nice to get a "Do this homework this week" instruction for me to follow without having to figure out the system first, then learning how long each step takes. Bite size steps to a goal? Yes, please!

Faith provides a LOT of information about this program. If you go to the sales page, go to the bottom and there are two links with even more information under the heading "Need more details?".

The Final Quarter Breakthrough 2022 program is $197 until August 26, then the price rises. The usual price of this program is $397.

2. New membership program

Angela Wills has a new membership, called "Email Practice Club."

Every month, you get:

The Email Practice Club membership is $20 a month, which more than pays for the bonus classes, so, for me, it seems a steal! Angela also offers a 30-day money back guarantee if you find that the membership is not for you.

I am very excited about this membership. I don't think I'll ever go to everyday emails (well, maybe when I'm a very old lady and need to talk to people a lot more, but that won't be for a few more years!), but both Angela and Cindy Bidar make good cases for sending daily emails. Email prompts are a great resource too. I am looking forward to joining the Q&A meetings if they are at a time I can manage. But the biggest draw for me are the courses. So much value! For $20 a month, it is a no brainer for me in my business right now.

3. Free Challenge

And last, but definitely not least, is Lori Winslow's September 2022 Product Listing Challenge. I was so excited to see that Lori is running another product listing challenge! I did the April listing challenge this year. Although I didn't get 30 products, I did get 20 books onto Amazon KDP, and I felt that that was a great outcome. I haven't sat down to decide what kinds of products I will create during September yet. I have a few other "mopping up" operations (Read: Cleaning and organizing my house and then gardening) to complete after finishing my first semester grading on the weekend. Next week, I will be brainstorming, planning, and scheduling to the end of January, so my plans for September product creation will solidify then. Anyway, I love this because September will come and go regardless of what you have or haven't done, so why not get as much done as you can? Sounds good to me.

So, that's all I've invested in for this month, and I am pretty sure it is going to keep me busy! I hope you find these interesting and useful.

I will be sending the usual email on Sunday (Japan time),

Talk to you then!

Kim (A.B. Sue's PLR)

Hi, I’m a creator

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