Puzzles are always fun!


Last week I shared that I am "officially" on summer vacation. Interestingly, that hasn't worked so well, and we've needed to have several meetings via Zoom. Still, even though I've injured my knee and notwithstanding the COVID booster shot, I've been able to walk most days of my Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge. I hope you can join me, or let any friends who might need it know about it. I am really enjoying it! It's been fun, and my steps are up this week, so that's good. You can see some of the places I've walked to on Instagram (@ebisuspublishing).

This week, I have three things for you.

The first, as you might have seen, is that Becky Beach has a new PLR ADHD Planner out! You can get the print planner ($17 until August 17) or both the print and digital planners bundled together ($27 until August 17). What I love about Becky's PLR is that you don't have to worry about the graphics. She makes sure that they are "100% PLR safe!" Please note that this is an affiliate link (the only one in this email). If you are in an education related niche, this planner will add value to your offerings!

The second is Amber McCue's Planathon (a referral link). This is the 10th year she's been running it, and it looks like it will be extra special this year. I find that, even with the uncertainty that we've been living with for the last couple of years, doing the planathon helps me define my goals WAY before January, so I can make sure I stay on track as much as possible during the busy holiday season and hit the new year running. If anything changes, I can then pivot if I find I must. I've done the planathon for 4 or 5 years now, and I always find value in it. I just do the free things. If you'd like to get a jumpstart on your planning, join me there!

The last thing is a little something I put together for you. You have PLR rights to five sample pages of Roman Numeral Sudoku Puzzles. Each page has two puzzles and answers and is a different level of difficulty (Very easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very hard). These might be fun to drop into planners, etc. Please read the Terms of Use on Page 1 of the file to see what you can and can't do. Please save everything as "Flattened pdf" files prior to sale, which means your customers will be unable to import the files into Canva to change anything. If you are interested, please download the zipped PowerPoint file here.

I will definitely be mailing you again next Sunday (Japan time), but there might be an additional mail during the week if some interesting actionable information crosses my desk.

Until then stay healthy, happy, and safe!

Kim (A.B. Sue's PLR)

Hi, I’m a creator

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